This is a sales video I created for Activation Products.
Creating this video involved the use of several of my skill sets: filming, video editing, modeling & rendering 3D product bottles, motion graphics, creation of art assets and audio editing.
Another video created for Activation Products that involved filming the company’s CEO, directing his performance, green screen compositing, motion graphics, and story telling.
This is what’s called a “cold traffic” video in the world of digital marketing. It’s used to target customers who aren’t yet aware of your product or brand.
This particular video uses testimonies from real people who personally recommend the product. These type of videos are often split tested to see what type of content best converts to sales.
We had success showing a 3D spinning product bottle, a red progress bar showing the length of the video, subtitles and a fun animated emoji that helps indicate what the product is used for (achieving better sleep).
In 2010, I played in a band called A Widescreen Sunrise.
We self produced our album and recorded the entire thing digitally, using amp simulators, electric drums and VSTs.
I wrote and performed all of the drum and synth parts, arranged the songs, and co-produced/mixed the entire album.
Our track “Part of Me” played locally on Moncton’s C103 radio station during regular rotation and peak hours for a 6-8 month period.
The full album is available for purchase here: